
Register of out-of-commerce works

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Search in the register of out-of-commerce works

The register of out-of-commerce works contains the following details on out-of-commerce works pursuant to section 52 (1) sentence 2 of the Collective Management Organisations Act (Verwertungsgesellschaftengesetz) in the old version:

  • Title of the work
  • Name of the author
  • Publisher that published the work
  • Date of the publication of the work
  • Name of the collective management organisation that filed the request for registration
  • Information whether the right holder has objected to the management of his rights by the collective management organisation

The date of the register entry is also displayed.

Under "Search form" you can enter the individual details or a combination of details to search for a work.
In the section "Configure result list" you can choose the information that you would like to have displayed in a first overview with regard to the results returned.
Click on a title in the result list to display a detailed view of the respective work. The detailed view provides additional data on the out-of-commerce work, such as the ID of the work or a link to further information. This information is voluntary and will therefore only be displayed if it has been supplied by the respective collective management organisation when filing the request for registration. In the detailed view you can also see whether an objection has been filed and who has filed this objection.


Last updated: 2 January 2024