
E-filing of IP applications

Detail of the facade of a modern building

In addition to the "classical" paper-based application, which can be filed by mail or by fax, the DPMA also offers the option to file applications electronically.

  • DPMAdirektPro: electronic filing of applications with signature card for patents, utility models, trade marks and designs

  • DPMAdirektWeb: online filing of applications without signature card for trade marks and designs as well as international applications for registration of a mark and applications for the determination or declaration of invalidity with respect to a registered design

Additional e-filing systems

  • externer Link Epoline Online Filing (eOLF) of the European Patent Office: electronic filing of patents and PCT applications with a signature card (Attention: Only available until 31.12.2024 - no longer in operation)

  • externer Link ePCT of WIPO: electronic filing of PCT applications without a signature card
    Technical details on a PCT application with the DPMA as receiving office via ePCT were published by WIPO in the externer Link PCT-Gazette on 19 May 2022. More on our hint page.

Important: Do not use e-filing services for state secrets

Patents, utility models and international applications (PCT applications) from certain fields of technology, such as weapons technology and nuclear energy, may constitute state secrets. Such applications must not be filed electronically. Detailed information on the protection of secrecy is available in an pdf-Datei information leaflet (in German).


Last updated: 25 July 2024